Oil and Gas Development and the American Landscape




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Hydraulic Fracturing  (or fracking) uses high-pressure liquids to release oil and natural gas from underground rocks. 


A platform like this is the first step to create a well by fracking. It is used to drill wells up to 10,000 feet deep. The well channels are sealed with steel casings to protect groundwater and help stop gas leaks.


3 to 5 million gallons of water, combined with sand and chemicals, are pumped into the wells to create fractures in the rock and release the oil or gas, which then flows to the surface.


Sources: Columbia University Earth Institute

U.S. News and World Report



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Support for or opposition to fracking can depdend upon a lot of things: age, gender, political affiliation, and where you live. 


People who are younger or live in urban areas tend to oppose fracking while those who are older or live in rural areas tend to support it.


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